Monday, July 23, 2007


Insomia Insomia all because i miss you
Every monday night i don`t sleep its becoming so predictable

i`m praying for you still

Monday, July 02, 2007


I normally don`t post anything personal here besides my own art work..
BUt i really need to rant now..

these past 6 months has been nothing but a bitch, yes a bitch despite having met many awesome people. I realise deep inside i am still the same ol kid still searching for love. I look for it in the wrong places, recently i have had my heart dragged through a blood smeared nail pool.. my business partner backstabbed me, my ex gf turned out to be a fucking liar, lost my bestfriend, my boss is thinking of firing me, lost $ 20 000, the girl of my dreams just is`nt interested in me. So please give one good reason why i sould leave mylife in the mercy of a knife. LOSERVILLE IS WHERE I LIVE MAN! GOD GIVE ME A BREAK!! HELP!!

25 years old this year, no ambition, no money, no luck, no love, no looks. I should really becom a monk, since no one really wants to be with me anyways. Yes lame, i am lame so fucking lame i should take part in the handicapped olympics, something is seriously wrong with me man. Maybe i was dropped on my head when i was given birth to, i seriously dun think i can make it anymore. Whatis hope? fabrication? i really wonder is this concept a crutch for the wounded and afflicted. Jesus if your real than save me, if you have any use of me of this useless piece of crap than i guess you know how to use me. If not just end my life, i`m a waste of space. a BIG FUCK UP.