Thursday, May 01, 2008


I am sailing away taking in the rawness of the air that chokes my lungs
The thrust of mighty waves brings my vessel further ahead in a direction
that i have left to chance
gloved with folded arms like a bird perched to rest
While the heat from burnt bridges still warm against my back
A pile salt i`ll be, should i look back.

Another milestone is not too far away, everytime my heart breaks
no grace is enough to give me a peace of mind

No more will i need to care. i`ll just have to set my eyes beyond
a horizon till the sun comes up to kill the rawness of the air

1 comment:

Airina Margot Falafel Frou Frou Tenenbaum Imran said...

I like this a whole lot!
the rhythm, the imagery, good job!
not just a pretty voice are you. :P