Monday, August 14, 2006


Revelation 3:14 and 20These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God's creation. "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.

If you read the rest of the verse.. it touches on the heart condition of believers.
The issue is not so much how our outward expressions convey our love for the Lord.
Its a heart issue.. you either be hot or cold FOR the lord.. but never Lukewarm.. never sit on the fence. Make a descision today.. Just who`s side are you on?

This has spoken to me and convicted me, i have decided not to think about it. But to act on it,
Love is truely a Verb.. u act on it. The same way God loves us so much that he will Never barge into the private areas of our lives, But he still does "Stand at the door and knock.."

It comes down to the cognitive versus the experiancial basis of our believes.
Is God merely a suggestion a concept or a coping strategy? or Is God so real that it is possible to have a deep relationship with him. If its a relationship, it needs to be worked on.

If its a suggestion or concept.. than we soon find ourselves in centre of turmoil and pain again.
This verse is Not dealing with the Non believer or pre believer perse. How ever it is dealing with the believer.

I confess i have not been walking right before the lord and luke wamrness has crept its ugly head in. I must find a way to break this, and that way is Jesus.

with Love

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